July Prayer Requests

Prayer for Donnelle who is having surgery on July 29th.

Dave – pray for his mom who is struggling with the decision for her husband to go into assisted living soon 

Cassidy – pray for the family as Benny starts daycare on Wednesday 

Continue to pray for the families who have recently lost family members 

Pray for the 144 students and 24 leaders at NTS camp this week 

Pray for Ruth as she is dealing with back pain.  Pray for the doctors as they come up with a plan of action. 

Pray for Lora’s sister who is moving to Hawaii. 

Pray for Katie who is battling mono 

Pray for marriages 

Praise Addie is hopefully coming home Wednesday.  Still a long road ahead with health stuff, but some very positive things. 

Pray for Chelsea – she is in ICU and is intubated due to a seizure. She is stable, but has no firm answers


Francine C – Pray that my thyroid cyst will not be cancerous 

Pray for the family of Anna R – She passed away July 5th, Visitation Monday night and Graveside service on Tuesday morning. 

Pray for baby Addie G dealing with some serious health stuff. She in Denver getting taken care of and taking next steps 

Pray for Donna who heard back from her doctor and the surgery will be in 5-7 months. 

Bonnie:  I’m asking for prayers for my sobriety during this time I’m asking prayers for my prayers for my spouse who is incarcerated at the moment he needs guidance through whatever is going to happen. We have 5 kids together and I have to continue to pick up the pieces financially mentally.. I just need guidance with my soberity as well and to continue to be the best I can be for work and home for the kids. 

For Charlene D as she is in hospice house. 

Pray for Gavin and Nichole and some medical issues going on with Nichole. For clarity and wisdom for doctors. 


Billie – pray for our foster kiddos and their mother 

Cathee – Praise that Chase’s surgery went well. Continued prayers for Brandon to overcome anxiety and leave the house 

Rich – pray for relief from knee pain 

Dave – Praise that Karen is healing from surgery and life is good 

Pray for Kitty’s foot 

Pray for Gale and her Vicki who were in a car accident. They are doing okay physically and just need prayers for their emotional and mental health. 

Pray for Doug and Donna as they have travel overseas 

Pray for Deb as she is recovering from surgery 

Pray for Roberta’s mom – had 90% heart block but the doctors were able to help her and now she is healing 

Pray for Bonnie because it is her baby’s Memorial Day and she wants prayers for her sobriety. Also, prayers for her spouse who is facing some legal problems and for guidance and for their family. 

Pray for Kris – asking for prayers for her son Lukas who is struggling with things right now. 

Those dealing with cancer with all the different stages people and families are going through. 

Pray for the JSC girls and their leaders